Well I did Not see that coming

Donald Trump won the race for President of the United States.

I seriously did not think he was going to win. Yes I brought into what the polls were saying and it turned out that….

They were wrong!

Now many of you maybe asking how could that be, how could the polls be wrong. Well I don’t know the answer for sure however one thing nobody seems to talk about is that the people who are taking the polls could skew the results towards the way they want things to go. In this case that Hillary Clinton was doing better then she actually was.

Now that latter would have to mean that most likely Donald Trump was right when he said that people who were voting for him weren’t saying so when interviewed for the polls.

Which yes I could see that happening.

I mean would anyone really want to admit to some strange person that they support the person that nearly a majority of people did not like?

I don’t think so.

People think that pollsters did such a bad job at calling this race that one person tweeted.

Here is a list of recent polls that pollsters got wrong.

So now you can see why it’s plausible to think that people who are taking the polls could skew the results in the favor of whatever side they are on? Because I sure can.

Anyway I went to bed last night thinking that Hillary Clinton was going to win. Not because I supported her, but because I believed what all the polls were saying. Which was that she was going to win because she seemed to easily get the 270 electoral votes needed to win.


I find it kind of laughable that that people are saying it will be hard to explain it to kids how Trump could be President, which yes it probably will be. However I don’t think people should be having the President of the United States teaching their children what is right or wrong. That is the parents responsibility, to say that the President of the United States should be teaching a child is just lazy parenting if you ask me.

My mother taught me and my sisters right form wrong and all those other life lessons, she didn’t tell us to look up to the Bill Clinton, then President of the United States, or any other elected official to learn those lessons. Though of course we didn’t live in a time of social media an all that, though the fact still applies that children shouldn’t be learning what is right and wrong, or what they should and shouldn’t do from the President of the United States.

Another thing is that it’s not like explaining a Clinton Presidency would be simple. I mean the FBI, more importantly the Director, said that she lied. She lied to the American People and possibly Congress. How anybody could tell a child that it would have been alright for a President to lie when they are taught not to lie is beyond me. I mean are there actually people out their that find easier to explain why a person lied to those who are told not to lie?

It’s time to face facts that neither Candidate was perfect and a lot of explaining would have needed to be done to children no matter who had won.

Just Rambling….. or maybe not.

I think this will just be a rambling post, since I don’t really know what to talk about.

There is one question I’ve have on my mind, that I’ve been meaning to ask but have always decided not to because I don’t really want to talk about the Presidential Elections. Though I think I’m just going to do it now since it’s almost time for the elections.

Is anyone else tired of hearing about the Race for President?

I know I am.

I really wish they were over.

I am really tired of hearing about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Neither one is perfect and neither one in my opinion is worthy, at this point, of being President of the United States. I’m sorry if that upsets any of their supporters but that how I feel.

Really that could be said to be the truth. I mean in a perfect world all the scandals they have had would have derailed their campaigns.

I mean how could anybody have a private server that could have been hacked by anybody, and deleted thousands of emails an expect anybody to vote for you as President.

If the FBI investigation had finished during the primaries an the FBI director cam out and called Clinton a lair, I’d bet anyone that Bernie Sanders would have been the Democratic Candidate.

I mean how could a President of the United States believe that someone who could have possibly put classified information at risk on a private server, is the right person to be President?

Now I’m not saying Trump is the right person either. Though maybe he’s what the country needs right now. I mean we had a President who apologized to nearly everyone and also seemed to try and appease everyone. A hint from history, appeasement doesn’t not work. Not to mention he made us seem weak in cases by saying one thing and not following through with it. (Or has everyone forgotten the whole line in the sand). Maybe the country needs a person who will follow through with what they say and show that the United States won’t back down.

Now conspiracy theorists out there may believe that means the Elections are rigged. An they have the right to think that under the First Amendment.  Now I’m not a big believer in conspiracy theory’s, though I will admit that there are times when I think that maybe things are rigged.

I mean how could an Attorney General whose department is investigating someone for a crime not know that the one thing you should be seen doing is talking to the husband of that person. (I mean isn’t that like the first thing you do when you know someone that is being investigated?)

I’ll give both the AG and Bill Clinton the benefit of the doubt that it was an accident that they met that day. Even if it was an accident one of them should have known they shouldn’t have been near each other an one should have changed their plans.

I know that’s what I would have done if I had been in either one of their shoes.

I mean meeting an then one of them changing their plans sounds a lot better then they met and neither changed their plans, or at least to me it does.

Look at that I started this off as just a rambling piece and then got into talking about the elections.

Anyway like I said I’m just tired of hearing about the elections.

Oh also, I’m getting tired about hearing everyone, including the President, talking about how a persons vote is wasted if they don’t vote for Clinton or Trump.

I mean talk about trying to influence an election, or to take away a persons right to choose by basically telling them who to vote for, Anyway that’s a matter for another day.